Medication Assistance
Respectful Care
People of all ages and abilities can find it challenging to manage their medication, especially when there are various forms of medicines required at specified times.
But, we can relieve the pressure on you by supporting you to manage your medication and ensure that you take the right medicine at the right time and in the right amount.
We can do this because a member of our client team will tailor your medication support plan to meet your current needs.
Here are some of the ways our medication trained staff can support:
Prompt – Our main goal when supporting clients is ensuring they remain as independent as possible, especially when taking medication. Remaining independent promotes empowerment but also the ability to remain in control of their own medicines. A medication ‘prompt’ is purely a gentle reminder from one of our colleagues for you to take your medicines.
Administer – If you need a little bit of extra support, this option is available for you. If you find packaging tricky, variable doses difficult to manage, and memory issues a problem, then this could be a service for you. Administer is a good option for reassurance that the medication has been taken, as prescribed by the GP, lowering anxiety and uncertainly. Staff are medication trained and will be there to ensure the right amount has been taken at the right time.
However, some clients are fully independent with taking their medication and purely need support in ensuring the medication is organised for them to take. If this sounds like you, we can support you by sourcing various medication aids to suit current needs, for example, an electronic pill dispenser.
In addition to helping you to manage your medication, we can also discuss general health needs by providing a bespoke package of care that can include assistance when arranging an appointment with a healthcare professional. We will remind you when you have an appointment and we can accompany you if you require further support and assistance outside of your home.
For your peace of mind, every member of the Respectful Care team receives specific training in medication and is fully qualified and approved to prompt or administer medication to our clients.